This book was written to inspire and empower souls who sojourn on Earth, seeking higher realms of understanding and light. As a seed germinates, springing forth and sprouting, this book is such. It is simply an outpouring of “spiritual pearls” from enlightened moments on my personal sacred journey over the last 30 years. It is an eclectic blend of Angelic spirit talk, personal conversations, contemplations and divine revelation graced upon my soul after many years of deep meditation and prayer. It is my personal spirit talk and soul’s walk between GOD, myself and my angels… an unveiling of the soul. Let SPIRIT TALK... SOUL WALK mine the unconscious ground of the soul and it will become a sacred pearl in a treasure chest of wisdom.

Spiritual contemplations, poetry framed in pearls of wisdom.
" I say from the bottom of my heart: THIS BOOK IS POWERFUL! You explain things in such simple but powerful language, things I have listened to pastors in many churches say in one way or another before, but they never managed to touch me or explain it in a way that I saw how it affected my daily life and what I needed to do to change. " ___ Professor Michael Goodwin
" This work is truly a blessing for me, and everyone who is inspired to breathe it in. Thank you. Your sincerity, light, and beautiful connection with all things good (through God) rings out clear and strong in your work. Brava. I'm so monumentally proud of you, as this is not just a huge effort of writing, editing, and crafting as an artist, but a gigantic effort in sculpting these moments from your personal spiritual archive and selecting what would inspire and move others. Having said my praise and thanks to you and the Lord! " ___ Stef Dillon
" I finished reading your book last night. I couldn't put it down for a moment. Your book is well written, it's uplifting, encouraging, highly spiritual, very personal, and it has been a blessing to me because I can relate to it in personal way. I have had a similar struggle with myself, with God, and my family as well. Please don't ever under estimate the power of your experience, you eloquent words, your love for the Lord, and what He has done for you because you will never know who God will touch with it. You definitely touched me deeply. I love the way you Love God. Bless you, "
Rasta Giddeon
"I just had to share with you that until now, there have been two books in my life where Spirit would whisper to me and direct me to a particular chapter, page or verse. The first book is the Bible, of course, the second one is a tiny book I was led to several years ago called The Door of Everything. But I now have a third book added to that (very short!) list and that is Spirit Talk...Soul Walk. Whenever I pick up your beautiful book, Spirit quietly tells me to read a particular page, and without fail that page is exactly what I needed to read in that moment.This lets me know that your book is a very special one, pleasing to God and filled with His presence...
You done good Ms Pride...God is happy."
Cynthia Winston –Ford